The Boy With The Moon & Stars On His Head

NIWA's climate summary for August is now available, and I've updated my spreadsheet (here). On both rainfall and sunshine, Ring gets two hits and two misses, so his city/month hit rate is still running at about 50%. Forecasting the long-term average would have done better than the moon method in August. I'll update the graphs and trends when we have another couple of months data, and do a roundup at the end of the year.

Meanwhile, over at the NZ Climate Science Coalition, Ken makes a telling admission:

"Okay, my work is very much astrological, which is the same as saying meteorological, because the astrologers invented meteorology. So does that mean now you'll leave it alone? I suspect not. It takes more than that to stop a playground bully."

I'm sure the notion that meteorology was invented by astrologers will come as news to historians of science. He seems to think that making any attempt to audit his forecasts amounts to bullying. Facing the facts can sometimes be difficult, but I don't think it amounts to bullying. And he admits, grudgingly, that his work is "astrological". But I don't expect to find that admission on his new almanac...